Adrianna is an Associate in Greybrook’s Private Capital Markets group, where she plays a role in supporting sales-related activities for Greybrook’s key partnerships and cultivating relationships with both new and existing investors.
Before joining Greybrook’s Private Capital Markets team, Adrianna was an associate in Greybrook’s Asset Management group. During her three years with the Asset Management team, she provided underwriting support for prospective deals and executed project management functions. She was responsible for conducting pre-transaction due diligence, market research, and financial analysis, to ensure the successful execution of Greybrook’s real estate investments.
Prior to joining Greybrook, Adrianna was an Investment Analyst at Harlo Capital, a real estate private equity firm based in Toronto.
Adrianna holds a bachelor’s degree, with a specialization in Finance and Real Estate from Villanova University in Philadelphia. Adrianna is a registered dealing representative of Greybrook Securities Inc., an exempt market dealer (registered in Ontario and certain other provinces), related to Greybrook Realty Partners.